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Old building
Main building
Students hostels
    Khabarovsk1 Railways College is one of the largest and most advanced establishments of the secondary vocational training in the Far East. It has been located in Karl Marx street in the center of Khabarovsk for 110 years.

    For the whole period of its existence the Railways College has trained more than 25,5 thousand specialists who work for railway transport companies. The demand for such specialists is very high today. In 2005 the number of applicants to the Railways College was the biggest compared to all other colleges of the Russian Far East. Only in 2005-2006 academic year 495 graduates got their diplomas and 68 of them graduated with the honours.

    Everywhere the graduates of the Railways College prove to be the fine workers and real professionals of their trade. Many of them take further education in higher schools, making their career in the future. It is enough to mention such names as Tubis Jury Abramovich – director of 861 «Construction company» JSC Ltd, Babenko Edward Gavrilovich, Kravchuk Victor Vasilevich - Professors, Doctors of Technical Sciences of FESTU and others.

    Fourteen best graduates were enrolled in Far Eastern State Transport University only in 2006 within the framework of «Railways College – University» education program.

    High quality of students training is provided by the qualified teaching staff. All teachers have higher education; the majority of them also have a great professional experience. 43 out of 63 teachers working at the Railways College have the highest qualification, one teacher is Candidate of Sciences, and two of them are taking postgraduate courses. Seven teachers have been awarded the title «Honorable railway man», three have «Excellent workers of the secondary vocational training» title, one teacher – (Honored worker of culture) – has been awarded the order «Friendship of peoples». Many teachers have medals and honorary diplomas of Ministry of Railway Transport.

    The preference in admission to the Railways College is given to the students sent by the railway enterprises. For this purpose an agreement on cooperation was achieved with the Far-Eastern and the Sakhalin railways. According to this agreement, the Railways College trains required specialists, the other party gives the students an opportunity to have a paid professional training at their working places under the supervision of instructors, and provide graduates with a job according to their specialization.

    The agreement also insures help in installing up-to-date equipment, devices, materials of railway transportation utilized at the students' practical classes. For example, there is a training ground in the yard of the Railways College. It is an acting site of a railway track with a crossing, equipped with all real devices of railway automatics, communication and a post of electric centralization.
Training ground
Laboratory in the railway carriage
Holl of fhe main building

    Carriages of all kinds, a carriage laboratory on wheels are the first steps in equipping the training ground.

    The building of the Railways College has 29 studies, 25 laboratories and 7 workshops. Labs and specially equipped studies such as «Electric supply», «Automatics and telemechanics», «Locomotive and rolling stock» surprise visitors and exacting commissions by their equipment.

    And the building itself is changing in the process of major overhaul. Thus it is possible to combine its historical value and modern requirements to design. A lobby of marble and glass, an assembly hall and a foyer, a strict conference hall is the property of the Railways College and, certainly, of our city.

    The Centre of information technologies and communications is the pride of our Railways College. It houses 5 spacious educational studies of computer science and branch information technologies, 9 studies of multimedia technologies and the polygraphic centre. The structured computer network Cisco connects the building of the technical school with the hostels, and provides access to information resources practically from any room. The Railways College is also connected to the Internet and the high-speed Intranet of «Russian railways» Public JSC.

    There are two students hostels with a dining room and a gymnasium. They had their major overhaul in 2003. For some years the hostels have been the winner of the regional competition among the Railways Colleges hostels in the nomination «The development of the student self-management and a high-level organization of the living conditions».

    The Railways College provides students with facilities for leisure and hobbies.

    There are two students hostels with a dining room and a gymnasium. They had their major overhaul in 2003. For some years the hostels have been the winner of the regional competition among the Railways Colleges hostels in the nomination «The development of the student self-management and a high-level organization of the living conditions».

    The Railways College provides students with facilities for leisure and hobbies.

    From the very beginning of their study the students are dipped in the atmosphere of kindness and insistence. The basic purpose of the educational process is the development of the students' personality to adapt them to living conditions in modern society, development of their social awareness, patriotism and professionalism. The teaching staff tries to solve problems of education, being guided by the personal approach, dialogue, cooperation of teachers and students, development of human qualities, creativity, initiative and independence. Forms and methods of teaching are various: questioning and testing, assemblies, face-to-face conversations, thematic classes in groups, meetings with the experts of the Far East railway and the participants of the Second World War, contests and concert programs.
Educational studies of computer science

    The students can improve their physical training in a gym and various sports clubs. Sportsmen of the Railways College are participants of all city and territory competitions. For more than 30 years our team has been prize winners and champions of Games among technical schools.

    In the Railways College there are many numerous clubs and amateur societies. Gifted students can apply their talents and abilities participating in the pop group, the singing club, the student theatre and the technical and applied arts societies. The art groups of the Railways College are regular participants of «Khabarovsk spring» city festivals and «Victoria» military - patriotic song competition. They also take part in the concerts for orphanages and soldiers within the framework of volunteer project «The week of kindness» held by the City Youth Committee.

    The most active students of the Railways College are members of the Student Coordination Council of the Youth Policy Committee under the administration of the Khabarovsk Territory.

    Different competitions, student and pedagogical conferences are held at the Railways College annually. We also have a Club where students meet interesting people and the Museum of History of the Railways College. The students take part in all regional and city competitions of projects devoted to various memorial dates as well as in «Student spring» contest and have won many prizes the last 10 years.

    The library which contains more than 33 thousand books, and the reading room provide the educational and creative process with the necessary technical, scientific literature and fiction.

    Nowadays the Railways College has got:
  • A great number of the young people to study at the technical school;
  • Sufficient facilities;
  • Intellectual potential.

    The staff of the Railways College keeps and develops its best traditions of the former generations.

 1  Khabarovsk Railways College is located in Khabarovsk.

    Khabarovsk Territory is located in the Far East of the Russian Federation. On the west and north, the territory borders on subjects of the Russian Federation, i.e., the Jewish Autonomous Region, Amur Region, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and Magadan Region. The eastern boundary passes through the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan, dividing the territorial waters of Khabarovsk Territory and Sakhalin Region. Primorye Territory and China border on the territory in the south. Khabarovsk Territory belongs to the Far Eastern economic region.

    The territory occupies an area of 788 600 km2 or 4.5% of Russia's total area. More than half of the territory consists of plateaus and mountains with elevations of up to 2500 m in places. An extensive river system allows the use and development of river shipping, and the territory's thousands of lakes abound in fish. The territory has a moderate monsoon climate with average summer temperatures of no more than +24 °C in the south and +15 °C in the north; winter temperatures range from -23 °C in the south to -40 °C in the north in inland regions and -18 °C and -24°C, respectively, on the coast. Average annual precipitation is 400-600 mm in the north, 600-800 mm in the south, and up to 1000 mm in the mountains.
дата последнего изменения: 06.05.2024 15:28:38  
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